Jon + Kathy have been doing youth ministry together for 25 years now…..
Jon is totally in love with his wife Kathy and is privileged to be the father of four girls. Allie, Olivia, EmmaGrace, and Lucy. He is passionate about reaching the next generation with the Gospel and training them to continue to spread the good news of Jesus across the world. Jon loves spending time with his family, fishing, going to the lake, playing Ultimate Frisbee, and also gets excited about snow skiing!
YOUTH GIRLS DIRECTORKathy gave her life to Jesus at a young age. She married her high school sweetheart and has 4 daughters. She has a desire to make much of Jesus and loves all things student ministry, chickfila, and chocolate.
Traveling with her family and spending time at the lake are also among her favorite things.
Kyleigh Clark accepted Christ at the age of 17. She grew up in the church and had awesome people pouring into her at that age. Because of that, she developed a deep desire to see students know God intimately and to watch them grow in their own personal walks with the Lord. Kyleigh is married to her favorite guy ever, Ryan, and loves being able to use the gift of marriage as a tool to further God’s kingdom.
HIGHSCHOOL GIRLS LEADER, CHURCH’S ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTJennifer nailed down her salvation at a summer camp in FL in 2004. She loves working with youth and has done so since graduating high school in 2005. She believes student ministry is AWESOME, and loves hanging with students! Jennifer works as the administrative assistant for Fayette Baptist Church and is addicted to water and chapstick!! :)
Allie started her personal relationship with the Lord at the age of 16. She grew up in the Fayette Baptist Student Ministry, and has a heart for growing disciples and building community here at Fayette! She is a local hairstylist and loves hanging out with people, drinking coffee, and the mountains. She is married to the sweetest guy in the world, Zack, and they love to do student ministry + adventure together
Cade has been involved with worship ministry since the age of 17, and now serves as the Student Worship leader, as well as keyboardist for Fayette Baptist church and the Common Ground ministry. His relationship with the Lord began during his early teenage years, and the discipleship he received during his youth gave him the desire to see others disciples as well. He loves teaching and developing the talents of young men and women, and helping them use their gifts for God’s glory, through music, sports, and solid Biblical teaching.
Michael started his personal relationship with the Lord when he was 17. He has grown up in the Fayette Baptist Student Ministry and loves building relationships with people. He currently works with installing low voltage equipment and he loves watching movies with people and playing sports.
Amber started her relationship with the Lord her senior year of high school. She grew up in a Christian home and developed a passion for teaching and pouring into teenagers as she was in college. Amber is married to her awesome husband Michael and they love riding rollercoasters, watching movies, and pouring into students together!
Chelli is married to her husband Coby and has 3 kids, two currently in youth. She began her personal relationship with the Lord in 2015, at the age of 42. Chelli felt called to youth in 2020 and remembers what it was like to be a teenage girl and the challenges they face. She loves hanging out with the girls, playing games, crocheting, and brown sugar cinnamon Pop-Tarts.
Seth started his personal relationship with Jesus at a young age, but began to really grow in his faith after highschool. He traveled with Life Action Ministries as the Audio Technician, and has continued his education and expertise since then. He faithfully comes and pushes our ministry towards excellence in not only the production aspect. He's passionately behind the scenes, making every Wednesday night better and better-- and teaching students to do so as well.
Mark started his walk with Jesus at age 13 and has been part of all things youth ever since. His desire is to encourage young people the way he was encouraged by others in his youth.
Mark has many talents but has yet to figure out what they are! All he really likes to do is spend time with the love of his life of 37 years, Cynthia. Yes, she was only 6 years old when they married. But in all seriousness, he absolutely adores Cynthia, their 2 sons, 2 daughters and 5 grandchildren. “I am blessed beyond measure to have such a family.”
Cynthia gave her heart to Jesus when she was young and lives to point others to a relationship with Him. She is married to her best friend, Mark, “Mom” to 4 Incredible children (2 sons and 2 daughters), and “Honey” to her 5 grandchildren who delight her heart! Cynthia is young at heart, loves people and sharing her home, teaching God’s word to teens and ladies, interior design, spending time outside, cooking and fellowshipping with others, gardening with her granddaughter….and is addicted to taking a million pictures of sunsets!
Jeremy, better known as Katie’s husband, is honored and blessed to have the most amazing house full of girls! He is married to his sweetheart Katie and has 4 daughters Allie, Taylor, Blakely, and Elizabeth. He traded religion for a personal relationship with Jesus at age 20. He has a love for youth ministry and a desire to see young men grow into godly men of integrity. Jeremy is a local business owner who enjoys spending time with his family, going camping, days at the lake, hunting, and golf.
My Dad lead me to Christ at a young age. He explained that Jesus was knocking on the door of my heart and that it was a door that only had a handle on the inside which meant that I had to open the door from the inside and ask Jesus into my heart. I am married to the most beautiful wife in the world with four of the most amazing children that you will ever meet! I love to laugh and have fun playing new games like Taco Cheese Pizza Cat.
Ken Davis
Taco Cat Cheese Pizza
Leanne surrendered her life to Jesus at young age after attending VBS. At 18 as a counselor at camp she felt called to missions and ministry and even though it was not how she pictured it she has served how God directed ever since. She made a list of qualities she wanted in a husband when she was a young teenager. Ken was a match! from leading her spiritually, to making her laugh, and better looking than anyone she has ever seen. They have 4 Ambassadors for Jesus and the Davis family: Jodi, Samuel, Daniel, and Jeremiah. She loves to point people to the scriptures for all truth and loves working with students and encouraging them to fix their eyes on the Author and Finisher of our faith. (taken from Hebrews 12:2)